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Crawford county map

Size: 536 Square Miles
Elevation: 1100-1300 Feet
Physiography: Hill-Lands, Plains
Growing Season: 100-120 days
Annual Precipitation: 29-33 inches
Average Snowfall: 70-100 inches
Forest Type: Birch, Pine-Aspen, Oak-Hickory
Fall Colors: Late September - Early October

Crawford County was named after Colonel William Crawford, a friend of George Washington. In 1876 Rasmus Hanson came to the county and started a lumber company. Crawford County has protected nesting areas for the Kirtland Warbler. Camp Grayling is located here.

Bucks Camp Grayling (49739) Deward
Eldorado Frederic (49733) Grayling (49738)
Ishaward Lake Margrethe Lovells
Ramus Wildwood blank

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